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RichBot User Guide

RichBot is a desktop app for managing tasks, optimized for use via a Command Line Interface(CLI) while still having the benefits of Graphical User Interface (GUI). This app can help you to manage your tasks tidier and efficiently.

Table of Content


Viewing help

Shows the list of commands to you.

Create task

Allows you to create 3 types of task, including todo task, deadline task, and event task.

Delete task

Allows you to delete unwanted task.

Mark task as done

Allows you to mark your done as done.

Show list of tasks

Allows you to see what task exists.

Show task after or before some date

Allows you to see task before or after specified date. Note that only deadline and event task that will be shown.


help - Showing list of commands.

Shows list of commands that can be executed in this app.

Format: --help

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

 - deadline  |   deadline <DEADLINE_NAME> /by <yyyy-MM-dd> <HH:mm>
 - delete  |   delete <TASK_NUMBER>
 - delete all  |   delete all
 - done  |   done <TASK_NUMBER>
 - done all  |   done all
 - event  |   event <EVENT_NAME> /at <yyyy-MM-dd> <HH:mm>
 - show after  |   show after <yyyy-MM-dd>
 - show before  |   show before <yyyy-MM-dd>
 - todo  |   todo <TASK_NAME>

todo - Adding a task.

Adds a todo type task to the list with the specified task description.

Format: todo <description>

  • Adds a todo task with specified <description> to the list of tasks. <description> must be specified.

Example of usage:

todo borrow book

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task :
[T][X] borrow book
Now you have 3 tasks in the list

deadline - Adding a task.

Adds a deadline type task to the list with the specified task description and date time.

Format: deadline <description> /by <yyyy-MM-dd> <HH:mm>

  • Adds a deadline task with specified <description> and date time to the list of tasks. <description> must be specified.
  • date time must be specified and in the format of <yyyy-MM-dd> <HH :mm>. Example :2020-08-08 18:00 (Note that the time are written in 24 hr format.)

Example of usage:

deadline CS2103T IP /by 2020-09-09 12:00

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task :
[D][X] CS2103T IP (by: Sep 9 2020, 12 PM)
Now you have 4 tasks in the list

event - Adding a task.

Adds a event type task to the list with the specified task description and date time.

Format: event <description> /by <yyyy-MM-dd> <HH:mm>

  • Adds a event task with specified <description> and date time to the list of tasks. <description> must be specified.
  • date time must be specified and in the format of <yyyy-MM-dd> <HH :mm>. Example :2020-08-08 18:00 (Note that the time are written in 24 hr format.)

Example of usage:

event CS2103T IP /by 2020-09-09 12:00

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task :
[E][X] CS2103T IP (by: Sep 9 2020, 12 PM)
Now you have 5 tasks in the list

list - Showing list of tasks.

Shows list of tasks.

Format: list

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

Here are the tasks in your list:
1. [T][X] borrow book
2. [E][X] dancing (by: Jun 6 2020, 7 PM)
3. [T][X] borrow book
4. [D][X] CS2103T IP (by: Sep 9 2020, 12 PM)
5. [E][X] CS2103T IP (by: Sep 9 2020, 12 PM)

find - Finding tasks

Finds list of tasks from existing keyword.

Format: find <keyword>

Example of usage:

find book

Expected outcome:

 Here are the matching tasks in your list:
      1. [T][X] borrow book
      2. [T][X] borrow book

done - Marking tasks as done.

Marks task as done. Specifies task by using the numbering from the list.

Format: done <index_number>

  • <index_number> must be specified.

Example of usage:

done 1

Expected outcome:

Nice! I've marked this task as done:
[T][O] borrow book

delete - Deleting task.

Deletes task from the list. Specifies the potential tasks by using numbering from the list.

Format: delete <index_number>

  • <index_number> must be specified.

Example of usage:

delete 1

Expected outcome:

Noted. I've removed this task:
[T][O] borrow book
Now you have 4 tasks in the list

done all - Marking all undone task.

Marks all undone task as done.

Format: done all

Example of usage:

done all

Expected outcome:

Here are the tasks in your list:
      1. [E][O] dancing (by: Jun 6 2020, 7 PM)
      2. [T][O] borrow book
      3. [D][O] CS2103T IP (by: Sep 9 2020, 12 PM)
      4. [E][O] CS2103T IP (by: Sep 9 2020, 12 PM)

delete all - Deleting all tasks.

Deletes all tasks.

Format: delete all

Example of usage:

delete all

Expected outcome:

All of your task has been removed!

show after - Showing tasks after some date.

Shows list of tasks after the specified date.

Format: show after <yyyy-MM-dd>

  • date must be specified and in the format of <yyyy-MM-dd>. Example: 2020-08-09

Example of usage:

show after 2020-06-09

Expected outcome:

1. [D][X] CS2103T (by: Sep 9 2020, 12 PM)
2. [E][X] dance club (by: Aug 9 2020, 6 PM)
3. [D][X] CS2103T TP (by: Jul 31 2020, 12 AM)

show before - Showing tasks before some date.

Shows list of tasks before the specified date.

Format: show before <yyyy-MM-dd>

  • date must be specified and in the format of <yyyy-MM-dd>. Example: 2020-08-09

Example of usage:

show before 2020-09-09

Expected outcome:

1. [E][X] dance club (by: Aug 9 2020, 6 PM)
2. [D][X] CS2103T TP (by: Jul 31 2020, 12 AM)

exit - Exiting the program

Exits the program

Format: bye

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

Bye! Hope to see you soon

(Program terminate)